Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Should Saif Gaddafi Take A Leaf Out Of German Defence Ministers Book?

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the German Defence minister has resigned after a scandal involving his PhD thesis.

The German aristocrat was found to have copied large sections of text from sources without attribution, including newspapers and a US government website.

After a backlash from the academic community, which led to a wider campaign in Germany, Guttenberg has finally stood down, stating that he was the minister for defence, not self defence.

Guttenberg is not however the only politician to be facing charges of plagiarism. Saif Gaddafi, son of Libya's beguiled leader Colonel Gaddafi and widely seen as his heir and right hand man, is caught up in a similar scandal.

Saif Gaddafi studied at the London School of Economics from 2003 - 2008, earning a masters degree and a doctorate. The LSE is investigating allegations that he plagiarised, or rather his ghost writer plagiarised, large sections of his thesis.

The institution received £300,000 from the Gaddafi regime and is under pressure to give this money to charity, and to revoke Saif Gaddafi's doctorate.

Last week Saif was questioned on whether he and his father would leave Libya. His response was:


"There are three plans, plan A, plan B, and plan C. Plan A is to live and die in Libya. Plan B is to live and die in Libya. Plan C is to live and die in Libya."


I see he hasn't forgotten how to copy and paste.




If you would like to help humiliate Saif Gaddafi, check out the Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Thesis Wiki, where you can collaborate on finding evidence of plagiarism in the thesis.


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